Hi I wanted to ask for something about sql server, I'm getting a c # software that needs to update the data on a sql server with an update, Now my problem is that the Parameters to Update Recently (Codice Barcode) is present on a different file From the import, so I have to enter (Codice Barcode) with an update query, My problem is that I have to update more than 200'000 items. I wanted to know if there was a way to speed things up on a Sql Server 2014 now as it now takes a lot to import everything:
Upgrade Query:
SqlConnection conn = db.apriconnessione();
String Query = "Update Articolo set CodiceBarcode='"+CodiceBarcode+"' where CodMarca='"+SiglaMarchio+"' and CodArt='"+CodiceArticolo+"' ";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Query, conn);
catch(Exception ex)
Design of table articolo
You probably need an index on the columns in your where clause. Else it will be doing a table scan on each of your inserts.
Also you are doing things one at a time. Much quicker would be to bulk load the data and then so a single update.