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How install PDFLIB and see in phpinfo

I'm trying to make PDFlib to work on wamp. I've downloaded and followed the installation guide ..

I took the libpdf_php.dll and i copied it in C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\ext (of course i take php-540_VS9 of libpdf?  ) i have php version 5.4.12

than i added in php.ini : extension = libpdf_php.dll

my pc and my operating system to windows 7 x64, I can't make it work I do not get this section of pdflib in phpinfo() :

Any ideas ?


    • first of all, it's not recommended to download the old and outdated PDFlib 8 for starting
    • then its important, that you copy the correct DLL depending to your used PHP version to your extension_dir. You find the correct extension_dir in your phpinfo() output.
    • then you have to add the PDFlib DSO to the correct php.ini. You find the path to the correct php.ini in the phpinfo() output.
    • also when you are on a 64-bit Windows systems, it't important that you use a 32-bit PHP stack when using the old PHP 5.4. (PHP versions before 7.0 do support 64-bit in on Windows just in experimental use. PDFlib don't provide precomiled DSO for such combinations

    In addition, I would recommend, to check the error/webserver log file, possible hints why the extension loading failed.