Im trying to generate the SHA512 of a base64 encoded string with Crypto++.
My sample input is: test123
Base64: dGVzdDEyMw==
SHA512 of B64 (expected):
SHA512 of B64 (not expected): 9f012fff26c89f2650f7446a37e80ba6466d69ffc77bb9ffc8c09ab779b24a23bb6a2f3c28512668ebca8628303ab5a31067d930cd1af60c745a2c34e5b4b1d2
SHA512 calculation:
byte *digest = new byte[CryptoPP::SHA512::DIGESTSIZE];
std::string encoded;
std::string test("test123");
CryptoPP::StringSource ss((byte*), test.size(), true, new CryptoPP::Base64Encoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(encoded))); // StringSource
// Calculate hash
CryptoPP::SHA512().CalculateDigest(digest, (byte*), encoded.size());
If i leave out base64 and calculate the SHA512 directly, i get the correct hash. Therefore the calculation can't be completely wrong.
But why doesn't it work with base64?
SHA512 of B64 (correct):
f78fa0aa79abd53b8181c5d21bdeb882bf45cd462a6e6e1b5043417de1800626 ed2a51b1a56626e9b9558da66a2f609d31db76bd88e80afbb7b03cda518b207d
It sounds like whatever is calculating this hash is producing unexpected results. Its probably due to a newline, missing padding, etc.
I can reproduce it with the following. It appears to be a newline issue.
$ echo 'dGVzdDEyMw' | sha512sum
$ echo -n 'dGVzdDEyMw' | sha512sum
$ echo 'dGVzdDEyMw==' | sha512sum
$ echo -n 'dGVzdDEyMw==' | sha512sum
Here is the constructor for Base64Encoder
. You can find the docs at either the manual or the wiki.
Base64Encoder(BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL,
bool insertLineBreaks = true,
int maxLineLength = 72)
You should use insertLineBreaks = false
. Maybe something like:
StringSource ss((byte*), test.size(), true,
new Base64Encoder(new StringSink(encoded), false /* Newline */));
Since you are using a Pipeline, you can do it in one shot with the following. I unrolled all the new
's to help with visualization as data flows from the source to the sink.
SHA512 hash;
StringSource ss(test /* std::string */, true,
new Base64Encoder(
new HashFilter(hash,
new StringSink(encoded)
false /* Newline */)