I want to add double quotes of my every array.
Original value is:,
The current result is:
What I want is:
"", ""
and here is my code:
$allowedIP = array($dScheduler['ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS']);
echo $newarray='"'.implode('","', $allowedIP).'"';
Your input value is a string, so handle it with just one string function call (str_replace()
Code: (Demo)
$dScheduler['ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS']=','; // your input string
$wrapped='"'.str_replace(', ','", "',$dScheduler['ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESS']).'"';
echo $wrapped;
echo "\n\n";
// if you want an array:
$array=explode(', ',$wrapped); // generate result array
foreach($array as $v){
echo "$v\n";
The value delimiter in your input string is: ,
, so you just need to change it to ", "
and wrap the entire string in "
as well.
Then you simply explode on the commas to generate your desired array of elements.
"", ""