In scala-lift v2.6, src/main/resources/app/confg/parameters.conf
looks very much like a json:
env_type {
dev {
greeting = "greeting: dev"
lift {
runMode = "development"
dryRun = true
etlPrune = false
testMode = true
Is there any way to specify a list of values for a certain key in such config format?
The format is a JSON superset called HOCON ("Human-Optimized Config Object Notation"), which is what the Typesafe Config library uses.
To specify multiple values for a key, use square brackets and commas. For example:
env_type {
dev {
names = ["dev", "sandbox", "alt-prod"]
To get names
in your application code:
val conf = ConfigFactory.load
val devNames = conf.getStringList("") // java.util.List[String]