My problem is to plot two different csv files with different frequencies and value intervals. I just want to make a comparison on heartRate and motionData in unit time.
I use matplotlib to achieve that.
Following code gives me such a graph:
import numpy as np
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# fake data
x = np.genfromtxt('/Users/yusufkamilak/Desktop/motionData.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=10,
skip_footer=0, names=['TimeStamp', 'AccelerationX'])
y = np.genfromtxt('/Users/yusufkamilak/Desktop/heartRate.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=2,
skip_footer=0, names=['TimeStamp', 'Value'])
# data frames
xdf = pandas.DataFrame(x)
ydf = pandas.DataFrame(y)
# plot x data, get an MPL axes object
ax = xdf.plot()
# plot y data, using the axes already created
Heart Rate frequency should be extended to motionData
This is how HeartRate normally looks in ~1/6 Hz
Since motionData has over 60,000 lines of values, heartRate looks as if it never exists. But time intervals of both values are the same. Getting heart rate in each 5-6 seconds and motionData 10 times per second.
Any help will be appreciated, I've checked many questions before asking that but I couldn't find one that helps me to solve my problem. Thanks!
You need some data for the x-axis as well.
Either your dataframe already has this data in a column or you need to create that column. Then
ax = xdf.plot(x='TimeStamp', y=['AccelerationX', 'AccelerationY'])
ydf.plot(x='TimeStamp', y='Value', ax=ax)
would show all curves with what TimeStamp
is on the x axis.
Using linear interpolation is sure possible, but may not make much sense, since the lines of a lineplot do exactly that: they connect two points linearly.