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How to fix it Call to a member function diffForHumans() on string in laravel 5.3

Why when I use query builder instead there is an error on the function diffForHumans (), but if I use ELoquent ROM but no error there is a way to overcome it? (How can i fix it) thank you


this is ArticlesController.php

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Article;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Auth;
use DB;

class ArticlesController extends Controller

    public function index()
        $articles =DB::table('articles')->get();
        $articles = ['articles'=>$articles];
        return view('articles.index',$articles);

this is model Article.php


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class Article extends Model
    use SoftDeletes ;

    protected $fillable = [

    protected $dates =[

    public function setLiveAttribute($value)
        $this->attributes['live'] = (boolean)($value);

    public function getShortContentAttribute()
        return substr($this->content,0,random_int(60,150))."...";

    public function setPostOnAttribute($value)
        $this->attributes['post_on'] = Carbon::parse($value);

    public function setCreatedAtAttribute($value)
        $this->attributes['post_on'] = Carbon::parse($value);


and that is my code, how i can fix it? thank you


  • i noticed a couple of things in you're code,

    • no need to cast created_at and updated_at to dates, they are already casted and are instances of Carbon
    • you can use the property $casts to cast simple attributs like live
    • no need to add a mutator for post_on date because you add it to $dates
    • also you set a mutator on created_at instead of post_on, you use SetCreatedAttribute instead of setPostOnAttribute
    • instead of substr($this->content,0,random_int(60,150))."..." you can use str_limit helper function of Laravel, also change random_int to rand => int rand ( int $min , int $max )

    the query builder return dates as strings, you need to parse before using them or you will get an error like this one PHP error: Call to a member function on string, just do it like this :


    you can make your model simpler like this :

    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
    class Article extends Model
        use SoftDeletes ;
        protected $fillable = [
        protected $dates = [
        protected $casts = [
            'live'  => 'boolean'
        public function getShortContentAttribute()
            return str_limit($this->content, rand(60,150));

    also you can simplify you index method like this :

    public function index()
        $articles = DB::table('articles')->get();
        return view('articles.index', compact('articles'));