How to zgrep an UPPERCASE PATTERN as it was a lowercase, e.x.:
zgrep 'MYPATTERN' *.gz
matching: mypattern
Without: pipes, echoes, files or variables. E.x.:
s="Hello World!"
echo $s # Hello World!
zgrep "$a" *.gz
echo 'MYPATTERN' | sed -e 's/.*/\L&/g' #this line not tested
zgrep -i 'MYPATTERN' *.gz #option -i is to heavy
The goal is to search for a plain simple hexa string in log files, but they are always given as UPPERCASE, but logged as lowercase.
The harvesting is made in a shared remove server where writing a function wouldn't be the nicest. I'm searching for a clean solution. That's the reason why I'm avoiding pipes and variables.
subcommands are welcome "``" but without pipes or many commands inside it.
That's a crazy set of restrictions. How about
zgrep "$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"MYPATTERN")" *.gz
How is zgrep -i
"too heavy"?