I want to turn HTML pages into Google AMP pages, and I have this problem where I have a lot of <img>
that I want to turn into <amp-img>
For example, I want to turn:
<img src='apa.png'><br>
hi bro <img src="c.png'>
into something like this:
<amp-img src="apa.png" width="800" height="684" layout="responsive" alt="AMP"></amp-img><br/>
hi bro <amp-img src="c.png" width="800" height="684" layout="responsive" alt="AMP"></amp-img>
I've tried to replace those tags with PHP, but it didn't work.
You can use preg_replace to replace a pattern with a string (http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php).
Try this code:
echo htmlentities(preg_replace(
'/<img src="([^"]*)"\s*\/?>/',
'<amp-img src="$1" width="800" height="684" layout="responsive" alt="AMP"></amp-img>',
'<img src="apa.png"><br>hi bro <img src="c.png">'