So I've set up my page with amp-analytics
and linked it to my GA account using my ID. I'm using this code for the amp component:
<amp-analytics type="googleanalytics" id="analytics1">
<script type="application/json">
"vars": {
"account": "MY-ACTUAL-ID"
"triggers": {
"trackPageview": {
"on": "visible",
"request": "event",
"visibilitySpec": {
"selector": "#sponsored_content_1",
"visiblePercentageMin": 20,
"totalTimeMin": 500,
"continuousTimeMin": 200
"vars": {
"eventId": "sponsor-view"
"trackAnchorClicks": {
"on": "click",
"selector": "a#sponsored_content_1",
"request": "event",
"vars": {
"eventId": "clickOnSponsorAnchor"
My question is: Where do I actually see the info this is tracking inside Google Analytics?
Since you've sent "event" requests to GA, you can see them under Behaviour > Events > Overview
I'd recommend in the vars section of your config to add eventCategory, eventAction (and eventLabel) properties, as these get pulled in GA and can be viewed readily e.g.
"vars": {
"eventId": "clickOnSponsorAnchor"
"eventCategory": "Sponsor Clicks",
"eventAction": "Anchor click"