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How to display custom shortcode single image in visual composer in wordpress?

I am trying to display custom fileds created by me in visual composer by using custom short codes. This custom short codes run fine when i am working with heading and text area_html ,but now i want to add single image in this sort code,but in result i am not getting image,it displays alt attribute and in back-end side i am showing my single image that stores in custom shortcode field. here i am including my code.

1) code for creating custom shortcode

vc_map( array(
    'name' => __( 'trionn_header' ),
    'base' => 'trionn_header',
    'category' => ( 'trionn code' ),
    'params' => array(
                "type" => "attach_image",
            "holder" => "img",
            "class" => "",
            "heading" => __( "Hintergrundbild", "my-text-domain" ),
            "param_name" => "image_url",
            "value" => __( "", "my-text-domain" ),
            "description" => __( lade eins hoch", "my-text-domain" )
) );

2) code in separate function-name file

/* Ordered List shortcode */
if (!function_exists('trionn_header')) {
    function trionn_header($atts, $content) {
           $atts = shortcode_atts(
                'image_url' => ''
            ), $atts, 'trionn_header'

        $imageSrc = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_url, 'thumbnail'); 

        $html = '<img src="' . $imageSrc[0] .'" alt="' . $atts['title'] . '"/>';
        return $html;

    add_shortcode('trionn_header', 'trionn_header');


  • I found solution for your question,try this in your code

    In param tag write this array after main param attribute:

                    "type" => "attach_image",
                    "heading" => "Image",
                    "param_name" => "image",
                    'admin_label' => true

    paste below code in your function_name file:

    // Trionn header custom code // 
    if (!function_exists('trionn_header')) {
        function trionn_header($atts, $content = null) {
            $args = array(
                'title' => __( 'This is the custom shortcode' ),
                'title_color' => '#000000',
                'content' => 'your discrption here',
                "image"             => "",
            extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts));
            //init variables
            $html               = "";
            $image_classes      = "";
            $image_src          = $image;
            if (is_numeric($image)) {
                $image_src = wp_get_attachment_url($image);
            // generate output for heading and discription
            $html = '<h1 class="trionn header ' . $atts['style']. '" style="color: ' . $atts['title_color'] . '">'. $atts['title'] . '</h1>'.   "<div class=content>" . $content . "</div>";
            // generate output for single image
            $html .= "<img itemprop='image' class='{$image_classes}' src='{$image_src}' alt='' style='{$images_styles}' />";
            return $html;
        add_shortcode('trionn_header', 'trionn_header');

    Enjoy, thank me later