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I want to execute a JCL step no matter what the RC of previous step is?

There are 3 steps in my JCL:


What I want to accomplish? I want to execute STEP 3 no matter what the return code of step 2 is.

I tried this: COND=(16,GT) and COND=(16,ST,STEP 2) but it's not doing what I want to do.


  • Try COND=EVEN on your final step’s EXEC statement.

    From the documetnation:

    COND=EVEN tells MVS to execute this job step EVEN IF a prior step in the same job abends, unless the job is canceled by the MVS operator.

    There's also a COND=ONLY:

    COND=ONLY tells MVS to execute this job step ONLY IF a prior step in the same job abends.

    Explanation of COND:

    COND is fairly counter-intuitive. The description is:

    If none of these tests is satisfied, the system executes the job step; if any test is satisfied, the system skips the job step on which the COND= parameter is coded.

    So your COND=(16,GT) means "If 16 is greater than the return code from any previous steps, don't execute this step". So this step would only execute if ALL the previous steps finished with a RC > 16.

    COND=(16,ST,STEP 2) is invalid - ST is not a valid condition. Valid tests are :

    EQ - equal                    
    LT - less than                
    LE - less than or equal to    
    NE - not equal                
    GT - greater than             
    GE - greater than or equal to 

    To make a step run, no matter what the condition codes from previous steps are, you could code COND=(0,GT), which means 'if 0 is greater than any previous return code (which it won't be), skip this step.'.

    To be safe, you could code:


    as EVEN will cause this step to execute even if a previous step ABENDs.