Search code examples

How to turn a curl into elasticsearch-py query format?

How to write elasticsearch-py query to query the same data as below?

--data-binary '{"query": {"filtered": {"query": {"bool": {"should":[ {"query_string": {"query":"request.action.raw:\"aaa\" AND (loglevel:INFO)"}}, {"query_string": {"query":"request.action.raw:\"bbb\" AND (loglevel:INFO)"}}, {"query_string": {"query":"request.action.raw:\"ccc\" AND (loglevel:INFO)"}}, } }, "filter": {"bool": {"must":[ {"range": {"@timestamp": {"from":111,"to":222}}}, {"fquery": {"query": {"query_string": {"query":"file:(\"ddd")"}}, "_cache":true}}]}}}}}


  • If your query is working in curl, the following works with the same query.

    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
    ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = "url_to_your_elasticsearch_node"
    es = Elasticsearch([ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT])
    request= '{"query": {"filtered": {"query": {"bool": {"should":[ {"query_string": {"query":"request.action.raw:\"aaa\" AND (loglevel:INFO)"}}, {"query_string": {"query":"request.action.raw:\"bbb\" AND (loglevel:INFO)"}}, {"query_string": {"query":"request.action.raw:\"ccc\" AND (loglevel:INFO)"}}, } }, "filter": {"bool": {"must":[ {"range": {"@timestamp": {"from":111,"to":222}}}, {"fquery": {"query": {"query_string": {"query":"file:(\"ddd")"}}, "_cache":true}}]}}}}}' 
    results ="index_name", doc_type="doctype_name", body=request)

    Notice that, besides the request, you need to configure the following parameters in the script:

    • ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT : URL of your elasticsearch node or cluster
    • index_name: the index name.
    • doc_type: the doctype name.