Does anyone know where the init scripts for mesos 1.3.0 are? (I've built mesos from source on ubuntu 16.0)
I'm starting mesos like the following currently, via ansible:
/opt/mesos/build/bin/ --ip=`hostname -i` --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos
However, the moment Ansible disconnects from the terminal, mesos process dies. So it seems this way of starting mesos is not compatible with a remote, automated installation.
I've tried preceding the command with nohup, and backgrounding it as well as in this script (to no avail):
# Start the mesos slave
# Start Mesos master (ensure work directory exists and has proper permissions).
nohup /opt/mesos/build/bin/ --master=`cat /tmp/master.ip`:5050 --work_dir=/var/lib/mesos &```
It only seems to work when I run it by hand, logged on to a terminal, and starting it via ansible doesn't result in the process staying running.
Mesos does not come with daemon init scripts. You need to prepare them by youself.
You can take a look at mesosphere/mesos-deb-packaging
For example systemd script could look like this:
Description=Mesos Master
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mesos-init-wrapper master