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Numpy: vectorizing a function that integrate 2D array

I need to perform this following integration for a 2D array:RC That is, each point in the grid get the value RC, which is integration over 2D of the difference between the whole field and the value of the field U at certain point (x,y), multiplying the normalized kernel, that in 1D version is:
enter image description here

What I did so far is an inefficient iteration over indexes:

def normalized_bimodal_kernel_2D(x,y,a,x0=0.0,y0=0.0):
    """ Gives a kernel that is zero in x=0, and its integral from -infty to 
    +infty is 1.0. The parameter a is a length scale where the peaks of the 
    function are."""
    dist = (x-x0)**2 + (y-y0)**2
    return (dist*np.exp(-(dist/a)))/(np.pi*a**2)

def RC_2D(U,a,dx):
    x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,nx, dx),np.arange(0,ny,dx), sparse=True)
    UB = np.zeros_like(U)
    for i in xrange(0,nx):
        for j in xrange(0,ny):
    return UB

def centerlizing_2D(U,a,dx):
    x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,nx, dx),np.arange(0,ny,dx), sparse=True)
    UB = np.zeros((nx,ny,nx,ny))
    for i in xrange(0,nx):
        for j in xrange(0,ny):
    return UB

You can see the result of the centeralizing function here:


UB I'm sure I have additional bugs, so any feedback will be warmly welcome, but what I am really interested is understanding how I can do this operation much faster in vectorized way.


  • normalized_bimodal_kernel_2D is called in the two nested loops that each shift only it's offset by small steps. This duplicates many computations.

    An optimization for centerlizing_2D is to compute the kernel once for a bigger range and then define UB to take shifted views into that. This is possible using stride_tricks, which unfortunately is rather advanced numpy.

    def centerlizing_2D_opt(U,a,dx):
        x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-nx//2, nx+nx//2, dx),
                          np.arange(-nx//2, ny+ny//2, dx),  # note the increased range
        k = normalized_bimodal_kernel_2D(x, y, a, x0=nx//2, y0=ny//2)
        sx, sy = k.strides    
        UB = as_strided(k, shape=(nx, ny, nx*2, ny*2), strides=(sy, sx, sx, sy))
        return UB[:, :, nx:0:-1, ny:0:-1]
    assert np.allclose(centerlizing_2D(U,10,1), centerlizing_2D_opt(U,10,1)) # verify it's correct

    Yep, it's faster:

    %timeit centerlizing_2D(U,10,1)      #   100 loops, best of 3:  9.88 ms per loop
    %timeit centerlizing_2D_opt(U,10,1)  # 10000 loops, best of 3: 85.9  µs per loop

    Next, we optimize RC_2D by expressing it with the optimized centerlizing_2D routine:

    def RC_2D_opt(U,a,dx):
        UB_tmp = centerlizing_2D_opt(U, a, dx)
        U_tmp = U[:, :, None, None] - U[None, None, :, :]
        UB = np.sum(U_tmp * UB_tmp, axis=(0, 1))
        return UB
    assert np.allclose(RC_2D(U,10,1), RC_2D_opt(U,10,1))

    Performance of %timeit RC_2D(U,10, 1):

    #original:    100 loops, best of 3: 13.8 ms per loop
    #@DanielF's:  100 loops, best of 3:  6.98 ms per loop
    #mine:       1000 loops, best of 3:  1.83 ms per loop