I've tried quite a few options and I just simply have no clue what I'm doing. I do program in PHP, but this SOAP/wsdl stuff is all new to me.
I need to allow a desktop app to upload an image + other info to my Drupal powered site, preferably uploading to the table of CCK content type I have set up. I also need to provide the dev of the desktop app with a wsdl file.
I believe I want to use nusoap, maybe through the soapclient drupal module? The problem is there is 0 documentation in the soapclient module, so I'm kind of confused as to where to even start.
Obviously, this is a pretty big undertaking and I'm just hoping to be pointed in the right direction, with any hints or tips as to how to do this.
In the end, I did this using XML RPC.
I ended up solving this problem using the following blogs/modules...
DrutNet allowed me to have an example of a C# application that uploaded a CCK file. http://www.gizra.com/content/code-sample-drutnet
This article on Salmon Run taught me how to make a custom service, which helped me solve some issues http://sujitpal.blogspot.com/2010/10/custom-drupal-xmlrpc-service.html, this groups.drupal post also helped: http://groups.drupal.org/node/107289
Finally, using this blog post, I learned about inserting nodes programmatically... http://www.unleashed-technologies.com/blog/2010/07/16/drupal-6-inserting-updating-nodes-programmatically
I hope this helps someone down the line. If anyone has any questions, answer this thread with them and I'll respond when Stack emails me.