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How should I use an object type in an insert DML statement?

I have created two TYPE objects to try out OOP processing in PL/SQL. I tried to use my type o_customers in my INSERT statement, but I could not do it.

There is a Customers table. It has same columns as o_customers.

create or replace type o_customers as object (
id number,
name varchar2(40),
age number,
address o_addressC,
salary number

create or replace type o_addressC as object (
mahalle varchar(30),
apartman varchar(15),
ilce varchar(15),
apt_no number

    adres o_addressC;
    musteri o_customers;
    adres := o_addressC('selami ali mah','çınar apt',' üsküdar',19);
    musteri:= o_customers(10,'UĞUR SİNAN SAĞIROĞLU',26,adres,1000);
    insert into customers values (musteri);


  • " There is a customers table. it has same columns with o_customers"

    In OOP it is not enough for objects to have the same structure to be compatible in a programming context: they must be the same type, or related to each other through inheritance.

    So you need to create the table using that type:

    SQL> create table customers of o_customers 
      2  /
    Table created.
    SQL> desc customers
     Name                   Null?    Type
     ---------------------- -------- -------------
     ID                              NUMBER
     NAME                            VARCHAR2(40)
     AGE                             NUMBER
     ADDRESS                         O_ADDRESSC
     SALARY                          NUMBER

    Now your insert statement will work:

    SQL> declare
      2      adres o_addressC;
      3      musteri o_customers;
      4  begin
      5      adres := o_addressC('selami ali mah','cınar apt','uskudar',19);
      6      musteri:= o_customers(10,'UĞUR SİNAN SAĞIROĞLU',26,adres,1000);
      7      insert into customers values(musteri);
      8  end;
      9  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from customers;
            ID NAME                                            AGE
    ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------
            10 UĞUR SİNAN SAĞIROĞLU                             26
    O_ADDRESSC('selami ali mah', 'c??nar apt', ' uskudar', 19)

    Incidentally I had to make minor changes to the inserted values because the posted statement hurled

    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    ORA-06512: at line 6

    This is because your o_addressC type attributes are too small for strings with multi-byte characters.