first of all excuse me if my title doesn't describe my question very well but i couldn't find a better one .
there is a simple stopWatch app that has three button start,stop,reset and a textview to display time . app has just one activity like this:
public class StopwatchActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private int mNumberOfSeconds = 0;
private boolean mRunning = false;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//if if uncomment this runner method and delete the runner inside onClickStart everything will work find
public void onClickStart(View view){
mRunning = true;
public void onClickStop(View view){
mRunning = false;
public void onClickReset(View view){
mRunning = false;
mNumberOfSeconds = 0;
public void runner(){
final TextView timeView = (TextView) findViewById(;
final Handler handler = new Handler(); Runnable() {
public void run() {
int hours = mNumberOfSeconds/3600;
int minutes = (mNumberOfSeconds%3600)/60;
int second = mNumberOfSeconds%60;
String time = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d" , hours , minutes , second );
if (mRunning){
handler.postDelayed(this , 1000);
my problem is when i comment the runner() in onClickStart method and put it in the onCreate method everything is ok . but when i change the code like above the code is still running but after i press stop button and then press start again the second will increment by 4 or 5 very fast. can anyone explain me what is the difference between this two modes?
declare your handler globally
public void runner(){
timeView = (TextView) findViewById(;
handler = new Handler();
runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int hours = mNumberOfSeconds/3600;
int minutes = (mNumberOfSeconds%3600)/60;
int second = mNumberOfSeconds%60;
String time = String.format("%d:%02d:%02d" , hours , minutes , second );
if (mRunning){
handler.postDelayed(this , 1000);
in button function
public void onClickStart(View view){
if(handler != null) {
//restart the handler to avoid duplicate runnable
handler.removeCallbacks(runnable);//or this handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(null);
mRunning = true;
public void onClickStop(View view){
mRunning = false;
handler.removeCallbacks(runnable); // this will stop the handler from working