What is the Magrittr syntax to assign Iris$column based on Iris$Petal.Length ? Example without Magrittr:
df <- iris[47:56,]
df$val1 <- NA ## create column
df$val1[which(df$Petal.Length < 1.52)] <- "cake"
df$val1[which(df$Petal.Length > 1.55 & df$Petal.Length <=4.55)] <- "pie"
df$val1[which(df$Petal.Length > 4.55)] <- "apple"
This results in:
Petal.Length Petal.Width Species val1
1.6 0.2 setosa pie
1.4 0.2 setosa cake
1.5 0.2 setosa cake
1.4 0.2 setosa cake
1.4 1.4. versicolor apple
The exact equivalent magrittr
syntax to what you wrote is :
df %>% transform(val1 = NA) %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length < 1.52,"val1","cake") %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length > 1.55 & Petal.Length <= 4.55,"val1","pie") %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length > 4.55,"val1","apple")
Or to be really zealous with magrittr
's aliases:
df %>% transform(val1 = NA) %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length %>% is_less_than(1.52),"val1","cake") %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length %>% is_greater_than(1.55) & Petal.Length %>%
is_weakly_less_than(4.55),"val1","pie") %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length %>% is_greater_than(4.55),"val1","apple")
And a variant:
df %>% transform(val1 = NA) %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length %>% is_less_than(1.52),"val1","cake") %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length %>% {is_greater_than(.,1.55) & is_weakly_less_than(.,4.55)},"val1","pie") %$%
inset(.,Petal.Length %>% is_greater_than(4.55),"val1","apple")
The two first are strictly equivalent to this in base (except for the pipes!):
df %>% transform(val1 = NA) %$%
`[<-`(.,Petal.Length < 1.52,"val1","cake") %$%
`[<-`(.,Petal.Length > 1.55 & Petal.Length <= 4.55,"val1","pie") %$%
`[<-`(.,Petal.Length > 4.55,"val1","apple")
The variant is equivalent to this:
df %>% transform(val1 = NA) %$%
`[<-`(.,Petal.Length < 1.52,"val1","cake") %$%
`[<-`(.,Petal.Length %>% {`>`(.,1.55) & `<=`(.,4.55)},"val1","pie") %$%
`[<-`(.,Petal.Length > 4.55,"val1","apple")
I used transform
because it's a base
function while mutate
is a dplyr
function but they work the same way here.
For a definition of all the aliases see: ?extract