Search code examples

Passing data from a parent to a child template

I'm starting to teach myself development using Suitecommerce Advanced and there is something I'm stuck on.

I'm calling this in the parent view's template and I want to pass on a class name to the child:

 <div data-view="Header.Menu" data-options="{className : 'nav-header'}"></div> 

And then on the child view's template I want to use that classname

<ul class="{{className}}">
    {{#each links}}
        <li class="nav__item"><a class="hvr-underline" href="{{link}}">{{name}}</a></li>

Unfortunately, this is not the right way to do this, but I'm not sure what the right way is.


  • When you call the child view from your parent view's .js file, add in the options like this:

    childViews: {
            'Header.Menu': function ()
                return new HeaderMenuView({
                    option1: 'option1 value',
                    option2: 'option2 value',

    Then you can access it from the child view's initialize function in the its' view.js file like this:

    initialize: function(options) 

    Hope this helps!