I'm trying to run a SLURM sbatch command with various parameters that I can read in an R script. When using PBS system, I used to write qsub -v param1=x,param2=y
(+ other system parameters like the memory requirements etc and the script name to be read by PBS) and then in the R script read it with x = Sys.getenv(‘param1’)
Now I tried
sbatch run.sh --export=basePath=‘a’
With run.sh:
echo $PWD
module load R/common/3.3.3
R CMD BATCH --quiet --no-restore --no-save runDo.R output.txt
And runDo.R:
base.path = Sys.getenv('basePath')
The script is running but the argument value is not assigned to base.path variable (it prints an empty string).
The export parameter has to be passed to sbatch not to the run.sh script.
It should be like this:
sbatch --export=basePath=‘a’ run.sh