I have tried to create new sheet using xlsxwriter.add_worksheet() but Its changing my old sheets.Any library which can create a new sheet without effecting other sheets and How can i delete sheet in .xls file because I didn't find any function in xlrd or xlsxwriter which can delete a sheet.
Edit:1 Tried using win32 module. Able to delete the sheet but unable to create new sheet without effecting existing sheets.
Update: Found the answer
Creating a new sheet :
import xlrd
xl_ref = xlrd.open_workbook('Path to file')
Here type(xl_ref) is <class 'xlrd.book.Book> So when we call function
There got the error book object has no attribute.So basically whenever we want to manipulate .xls file without affecting existing changes.first, convert into workbook object.
from xlutils.copy import copy
xlwb_ref.save('Path to file')
Reference: Python_doc
Deleting Sheet :
import pythoncom
from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch
pythoncom.CoInitialize() #if Calling same thing again and again so better reinitialize.
excel = EnsureDispatch("Excel.Application")
excel_file = excel.Workbooks.Open("Path to file")
sheet = excel.Sheets("Sheet name")