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RESTful Chromless implementation

I am looking for a way to use headless chrome similar to what chromeless does but instead of being implemented as a nodejs endpoint, allowing restful requests with the html content as a payload.

I want to run this service on aws lambda being triggered through API Gateway. Does anyone have experience with this usecase?


  • There's nothing keeping you from using Chromeless in your use-case. Chromeless can be used within an AWS Lambda function. You can take a (RESTful) request coming from AWS API Gateway and then do something with it and Chromeless. You can combine the @serverless-chrome/lambda package with Chromeless to get headless Chrome running within Lambda so that Chrome is available to Chromeless. The Chromeless Proxy works in a similar way. For example, your Lambda function's code might look like (this is untested code I just cobbled together, but should convey the idea):

    const launchChrome = require('@serverless-chrome/lambda')
    const Chromeless = require('chromeless').Chromeless
    module.exports.handler = function handler (event, context, callback) {
      const body = JSON.parse(event.body) // event.body coming from API Gateway
      const url = body.url
      const evaluateJs = body.evaluateJs
        flags: ['--window-size=1280x1696', '--hide-scrollbars'],
        .then((chrome) => {
          // Chrome is now running on localhost:9222
          const chromeless = new Chromeless({
            launchChrome: false,
            .evaluate(() => `
              // this will be executed in headless chrome
            .then((result) => {
                .then(chrome.kill) //
                .then(() => {
                  callback(null, {
                    statusCode: 200,
                    body: JSON.stringify({ result })
        .catch((error) => {
          // Chrome didn't launch correctly

    You'll find a similar thread on the Chromeless Issue tracker here.

    Disclosure: I'm a collaborator/author of these packages.