select name from myschema.table1 where
COL1 = 'A'and
COL2= 'B' and
LEVEL = (select max(LEVEL) from myschema.table1 where USERTYPE='C')
I know am querying against the maximum level in table, rather than a max level among rows with userType 'c'. I need to query only against ones with that usertype.
You are very close. You need a correlation clause:
from myschema.table1 t
where COL1 = 'A'and COL2= 'B' and
LEVEL = (select max(t2.LEVEL)
from myschema.table1 t2
where t2.col1 = t.col1 and g2.col2 = t.col2 and t2.USERTYPE = 'C'