I have a script which utilises SaltStack's command-line as well as BASH commands. The script is used to gather data from multiple Linux servers (hence SaltStack), one of the checks which I would like to gather is disk space.
I have done this by using the following command:
salt $i cmd.run 'df -Ph / | tail -n1 | awk '"'"'{ print $4}'"'"'' | grep -v $i
$i = hostname and the use of the ugly '"'"' is so that my command can run via SaltStack as Salt's remote execution functionality requires single quotes around the command, if I left them in my command wouldn't run inside my BASH script.
Example syntax:
salt $hostname cmd.run 'command here'
After many questions on here and with colleagues I have this section of the script sorted. However I now the problem of stripping the output of my above command to remove the 'G' so that my script can compare the output with a threshold I have defined and turn the HTML which this script is piping to red.
while read i ; do
diskspace=`salt $i cmd.run 'df -Ph / | tail -n1 | awk '"'"'{ print $4}'"'"'' | grep -v $i`
Validation check:
if [[ "${diskspace//G}" -lt $diskspace_threshold ]]; then
The method I have used for stripping the G works on the command line but not within my script so it must be something to do with the syntax or just the fact that it is now within a script. Any ideas/thoughts would be helpful.
EDIT: Here is the error message I receive when running my script: serverdetails.sh: line 36: p : 2.8: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".8")
I assume the error is coming from here (is this line 36?)
if [[ "${diskspace//G}" -lt $diskspace_threshold ]]; then
Note the error message:
serverdetails.sh: line 36: p : 2.8: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".8")
bash does not do floating point arithmetic
$ [[ 2.8 -lt 3 ]] && echo OK
bash: [[: 2.8: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".8")
You'll need to do something like this:
result=$( bc <<< "${diskspace%G} < $diskspace_threshold" )
if [[ $result == 1 ]]; then
echo OK
echo Boo