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Object Classes not working with RLMSupport in Swift

Hello When using Realm and RLMSupport for Obj-C/Swift.

The app crashes with my conf when adding config.objectClasses

let appGroupIdentifier = "group.APContacts"
let dbFilename = "dbSwiftContacts.realm"

let config = RLMRealmConfiguration()
config.fileURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: appGroupIdentifier)!.appendingPathComponent(dbFilename)
config.objectClasses = [Dog.className()]
config.readOnly = true

The error is: This one!

Can anyone managed to get this working with RLMSupport?


  • I found the problem and solved it.

    Here is the correct field fixed: (using YourClass.self)

    config.objectClasses = [YourClass.self]

    Once there are no Doc for RLMSupport.swift , hope this will help someone.