Not able to import pouchdb in angular4 running ng serve in angular cli (that should compile the typescript and make the page run) gives the error
when using pouchddb
Cannot find module 'pouchdb'. webpack: Failed to compile.
and when using pouchdb-browswer
Cannot find module 'pouchdb-browser'. webpack: Failed to compile.
1- Install angular cli
npm install angluar-cli -g
2- Create angular project
ng new project
3- In the project install pouch either
npm install pouchdb --save
npm install pouchdb-browser --save
In the code import pouch db
tried each of these but all gave the same error
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb';
import PouchDB from 'pouchdb-browser';
import * as PouchDB from 'pouchdb-browser';
import * as PouchDB from 'pouchdb';
Installing @types/pouchdb didn't help, infact I get even more compilation errors some of the errors are
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (765,30): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (766,37): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (767,40): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (768,33): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (771,30): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (772,37): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (773,41): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (776,30): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (777,37): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-core/index.d.ts (778,33): Cannot find namespace 'Core'.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-replication/index.d.ts (166,45): '>' expected.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-replication/index.d.ts (166,47): Expression expected.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-replication/index.d.ts (186,13): ',' expected.
ERROR in C:/Users/aallawati/Development/pro1/node_modules/@types/pouchdb-replication/index.d.ts (191,10): ',' expected.
i tried to import PouchDB from 'pouchdb'; in a normal typescript file (non angular)
and compiled it with tsc and it worked fine
i guess the issue is because of angular-cli or webpack not sure
Using CLI v1.2.0 with Angular v4.3.3 and import PouchDB from 'pouchdb';
does work for me.
Keep in mind that the package was renamed at a certain point and only the newer versions support more advanced webpack configurations.