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Android AspectJ @Around with method args not working

In my current Android application I am investigating the use of @AspectJ

I am attempting to "capture" all executions to methods whose signature resembles:-

public void onMethodClicked(com.example.CustomType customType) {}

I have the following POINTCUTS

1) Ignore my Aspect class:

public void notAspect() { }

2) Select all "Clicked" methods with customType argument

@Pointcut("execution(* com.example..*.*Clicked(com.example.CustomType)) && args(custom)";)
public void customClicked(CustomType custom) { }

3) My @Around:-

@Around("notAspect() && customClicked()")
public Object selectedClicked(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, CustomType custom) throws Throwable {
    Log.d(TAG, "Found a clicked method " + custom);
    Object result = joinPoint.proceed();

    return result;

When I build my Android Application I get these messages

no match for this type name: CustomType [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName]

bad parameter to pointcut reference
formal unbound in pointcut 

no match for this type name: com.example.aspect [Xlint:invalidAbsoluteTypeName]

the parameter custom is not bound in [all branches of] pointcut
use of ProceedingJoinPoint is allowed only on around advice (arg 1 in (before(extraFlags: 2): (((!within(com.example.aspect+) && execution(* com.example..*.*Clicked(com.example.CustomType)) && args(custom)) && persingleton(com.example.aspect.TraceAspect))->void com.example.aspect.TraceAspect.selectedClicked(org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint, com.example.CustomType)))

What have I done wrong?


I have fixed one of the error/warning messages by correcting the !within() as follows:-

1) Ignore my Aspect class:

public void notAspect() { }


  • I'm not sure about your problem but you may try changing the POINTCUT like this.

    public void notAspect() { }
    @Pointcut("execution(* com.example..*.*Clicked(com.example.CustomType)))
    public void customClicked() { }

    Look I've removed the args(custom) part here which go inside the @Around annotation. And yes, of course I've removed the function parameter argument of customClicked function and the semi-colon by the end of the statement.

    Now write your selectedClicked function like this by passing the arguments from here.

    @Around("notAspect() && customClicked() && args(custom)")
    public Object selectedClicked(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, CustomType custom) throws Throwable {
        Log.d(TAG, "Found a clicked method " + custom);
        Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
        return result;

    It should work with no failure.