I'm trying to publish a bunch of automatically generated pages to Confluence using REST. The pages contain cross-references to one another, which are simple tags for which I'm currently taking a wild guess at the URL based on the target name ("http://confluence.url/display/[space]/[name]" or something with the identifier).
There are a few disadvantages with this:
I'm looking for a way to create a proper cross reference from one page to another while creating/updating those pages via REST. I've tried:
I think I would be able to resolve all the required page ID's beforehand. Also, macros seem to be supported by REST, so a macro for cross references seems ideal.
I found an answer to my own question:
<ri:page ri:content-title="TheNameOfMyPage" />
<ac:plain-text-link-body>Link text</ac:plain-text-link-body>
Update: The ac:link macro is documented more formally here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf51/confluence-storage-format-336169254.html