I am making a weekly calendar, where users can click the days of the week in the calendar header to highlight the events on that day:
<td *ngFor="let day of days | async"
I would like to make it so that when there are no when there are no events on a given day, then the header for that day is not clickable. This could be done in the component like so:
highlightWeek(day) {
if (day.events.length > 0) {
But if I do this, then the browser still changes the form of the cursor from the arrow to the hand, whenever the user hovers over the empty day headers. I would like to only have the click event on the days where there are event, so this doesn't happen. Something like this:
<td *ngFor="let day of days | async"
(if (day.events.length > 0)): (click)="highlightWeek(day)">{{day.header}}</td>
But I don't know how to accomplish that.
Put the loop in an ng-container and then you can have one td displaying if it should be clickable and another if not. Like this:
<ng-container *ngFor="let day of days | async">
<td (click)="highlightWeek(day)" style="cursor: pointer" *ngIf="day.events.length>0">
<td *ngIf="day.events.length===0" style="cursor: default">{{day.header}}</td>