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How to move slug to subdomain in Symfony3

I have a web-app where every User has his own personalized link{uuid}/frontpage

Where uuid indicates User resource loaded from the database.

And now, the idea is to move /{uuid}/ to subdomain, so it should look as follows:


While I have created wildcard DNS and can extract subdomain in Symfony's Controllers easily, the problem is now how to tell Symfony that uuid should be taken from subdomain now.

In Controllers I have routing defined as follows

 * @Route("/{uuid}/frontpage", name="frontpage")
 * @ParamConverter("user", class="AppBundle:User", converter="converter.user")
 * @Template("FrontPage.html.twig")
public function indexAction(Request $request, User $user)


I would like to avoid rewriting all Controllers and strip out /{uuid}/ part because I have hundreds of Controllers defined like that.

Is there a way to manage this maybe via Listeners?


  • With Symfony 3, you can match a route based on the host. And basically you can also "placeholderize" your subdomain and get the related value in your HttpFoundation\Request object (in your controller for instance).

    Ex. :

    path:     /
    host:     "{subdomain}"
        _controller: AppBundle:Main:mobileHomepage
        subdomain: m