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Telerik RadGridView.CommitEdit() StackOverflow Exception

I currently have a WPF application with a RadGridView control from Telerik. I have some columns with data from a database, while I have three more custom made columns which are for entering in data. My problem right now is that once I enter data into a cell within one of the columns, as I click out of that cell the data disappears. I need to get my application to commit those changes so that doesn't happen. I thought I had it coded correctly using gridView.CommitEdit();within the CellEditEnded event, however a stackoverflow exception is thrown when I enter the data and click out of the cell. Is anyone able to explain to me why that is and a possible solution to this issue? I'm having a hard time finding good resources online explaining how to do this. Below is my code for the CellEditEnded event:

private void gridView_CellEditEnded(object sender, GridViewCellEditEndedEventArgs e)
        if(e.EditAction == GridViewEditAction.Commit)

If anyone is able to help me understand what I am doing wrong, it would be greatly appreciated :)


  • You could try to use a boolean flag to prevent the event handler from calling the CommitEdit() method over and over again:

    bool handle = true;
    private void gridView_CellEditEnded(object sender, GridViewCellEditEndedEventArgs e)
        if (e.EditAction == GridViewEditAction.Commit && handle)
            handle = false;
            handle = true;