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Extracting coordinates from indices

I am trying to create a distribution and then based on a certain condition I remove some particles and keep the others and arrange them in a row vector form. Once, the filtering is done , I want to store the coordinates of the left over points via the indices.

My idea was to use the indices to extract the coordinates posx,posy,posz which satisfy the condition. I am unable to do this. Following is the code. Any and all inputs will be helpful guys. Any simpler method would be most helpful. I am new to Matlab so please forgive my naive question. Thanks . . .

clear all;
%=============Minimum Allowable Distance/Blockade Radius=====================

blockade =  15*10^-6;% blockade radius in um

%=============Sigma of the RED LASER beam from the SLM=====================

sigmax = 10;% 1-sigma x of the SLM beam in um
sigmay = 10;% 1-sigma y of the SLM beam in um

%=============Sigma of the BLUE LASER beam from the SLM====================

sigmaz = 10;% sigma z of the blue beam in um

%==================Number of Scan Steps====================================

npics =500; %number of iterations

%=============Number of initial particles in the excitation volume in the MOT Stage===================

numberofparticles = 100; % Number of points per iteration
%=============Creating a cell system for importing GPT Data into===========

l = cell(numberofparticles,1);
distances = cell(npics,1);

posx = cell(npics,1);
posy = cell(npics,1);
posz = cell(npics,1);

for n=1:1:npics
    fprintf(' %d ', n);
    %                                         SECTION 1:  Creating Distributions

    %============Declaration of orgin for simulation===========================

    mux = 0;
    muy = 0;
    muz = 0;

    %=============Creating a x,y,z coordinate system for the ion===============

    x = normrnd(mux,sigmax*10^-6,[1 numberofparticles]);
    y = normrnd(muy,sigmay*10^-6,[1 numberofparticles]);
    z = normrnd(muz,sigmaz*10^-6,[1 numberofparticles]);

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%METHOD 2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    for i =  1:1:length(l)

        for j = 1:1:length(l)

            distances{i}{j} = sqrt((x(i) - x(j)).^2 + (y(i) - y(j)).^2 + (z(i) - z(j)).^2);

            if distances{i}{j} < blockade
                distances{i}{j} = 0;

            if distances{i}{j} >= blockade
                posx{j} = x(j);
                posy{j} = y(j);
                posz{j} = z(j);





  • This code deletes the points that lie too close to each other according to your "distance" criterion. There was no need to use "distance" as a cell array because you were not doing anything with it. In fact, if you don't re-use something, don't store all their values. I put the coordinates in allpoints so that they are always kept together.

    clear all;
    %=============Minimum Allowable Distance/Blockade Radius=====================
    blockade =  15*10^-6;% blockade radius in um
    %=============Sigma of the RED LASER beam from the SLM=====================
    sigmax = 10;% 1-sigma x of the SLM beam in um
    sigmay = 10;% 1-sigma y of the SLM beam in um
    %=============Sigma of the BLUE LASER beam from the SLM====================
    sigmaz = 10;% sigma z of the blue beam in um
    %==================Number of Scan Steps====================================
    npics =2; %number of iterations
    %=============Number of initial particles in the excitation volume in the MOT Stage===================
    numberofparticles = 100; % Number of points per iteration
    allpoints = cell(npics,1);
    for n=1:npics
        fprintf(' %d ', n);
        %                                         SECTION 1:  Creating Distributions
        %============Declaration of orgin for simulation===========================
        mux = 0;
        muy = 0;
        muz = 0;
        %=============Creating a x,y,z coordinate system for the ion===============
        x = normrnd(mux,sigmax*10^-6,[1 numberofparticles]);
        y = normrnd(muy,sigmay*10^-6,[1 numberofparticles]);
        z = normrnd(muz,sigmaz*10^-6,[1 numberofparticles]);
        hold on
        allpoints = cell(npics,1);
        for i = 1:length(x)
            allpoints{i} = [x(i) y(i) z(i)]; % Store all coordinates in 1 cell array
        %%%%%%%%%%%%%METHOD 2%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
       % Because allpoints will change size (some points are removed if "distance" is smaller than blockade, we cannot use a for-loop i=1:length(allpoints) because then the max value of i is already fixed while allpoints will only get smaller. Therefore, i will get larger than the eventual length of allpoints
       i = 1;
       j = 1;  
       while true % As long as i is not larger than the length of allpoints, not all points have been evaluated with each other
           j = i+1;
            while true   
                coordi = allpoints{i};        
                coordj = allpoints{j};
                distances = sqrt((coordi(1) - coordj(1)).^2 + (coordi(2) - coordj(2)).^2 + (coordi(3) - coordj(3)).^2);
                if distances < blockade
                    allpoints(j) = []; % Using the round brackets, the cell is deleted 
                        % When a point is removed from the list, j does not need to be increased because the next point that needs to be evaluated comes at the place of the old point, so at position j and not j+1
                    j = j + 1; % Increase j to evaluate the next point. 
                if j>length(allpoints)
            i = i + 1;
            if i>= length(allpoints)
       allpoints = cell2mat(allpoints);