s = 0
for s in xrange(0, 100):
print "s before", s
if s % 10 == 0:
s += 10
print "s after", s
s = 0
while s < 100:
print "s before", s
if s % 10 == 0:
s += 10
s += 1
print "s after", s
As pictures shown above, why those 2 loops doing similar things, one using xrange while another using while-loop are giving me exact different output?
in the first loop is overwritten by the values coming from xrange(0, 100)
whereas in the second loop you are manually initializing the variable s=0
and then incrementing it with s += 10
. So, it's exactly the expected behavior.
You need to have a look into variable scopes in python. Check this discussion: Short description of the scoping rules?