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Esper-Wrong sequence of attributes in query results

I am new to Esper and i am working on Storm-Esper collaboration.Through my main class,i send queries to a bolt which contains esper while the esper-bolt sends the tuple which contain the results to a printer bolt.My problem is that,although the result of a query is correct as for the values,the attribute values are not in the correct order.For example,i have a query which selects attributes from a pilot's table: name,surname,airline and i should have the result in the same order.However i get:name,airline,surname.I have tried everything concerning group by and order by.I suppose it must be an Esper's fault when creating the event's map which contains the attributes-values.I paste the main class code and the esper bolt code where the map is processed.Any idea why is that happening is most welcome!

.addStatements(("insert into pilotStream " +
                "select * " +
                "from second) A "))
.addStatements(("insert into employeeStream " +
                "select * " +
                "from second) A "))
.addStatements(("insert into CombinedEvent "+
                "select tick.pilotName as p_name , " +
                "tick.pilotSurname as p_surname , " +
                "tick.airline as p_airline " +
                "from second) as tick, " +
                " second) as rom "+ 
                "where tick.airline = rom.employeeAirline "+
Map<String, Object> emap = (Map<String, Object>) newEvent.getUnderlying();
                    String Event_name = newEvent.getEventType().getName();

                    for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : emap.entrySet()) {

                    //  String key =  entry.getKey();
                        String val = String.valueOf(entry.getValue()) ;
                        //System.out.println(key+" :"+val);


                    collector.emit(Event_name, toTuple(newEvent, values, false));

The result should be : source: Esper-Print:2, stream: CombinedEvent, id: {}, [John, Snow, Lufthansa] Instead,i get:source: Esper-Print:2, stream: CombinedEvent, id: {}, [John, Lufthansa, Snow]

P.S.The toTuple functions simply gets the values of the attributes through the values list of strings and puts them into a tuple which is emitted to printerbolt.In the espebolt code there is some printing in comments which helped me see that the problem is in the map which esper creates internally.


  • By default Esper generates Map events. This can be changed into object-array events when setting a configuration or with annotations. Map events use "HashMap" and not "LinkedHashMap". The "HashMap" is not ordered when iterating the key-value pairs but takes much less memory. Object-array is ordered. For ordered access to Map events there is the "EventType" that you can get from a statement which returns you the property names in order.