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Deploying Adapter on Bluemix-MobileFirst Foundation

I have registered on IBM Bluemix. I've created a Mobile Foundation Service.

Now I wanted to deploy a JavaAdapter on bluemix-MobileFoundation. But getting some "FWLSE0321: state change Failure...exception" during deployment. The adapter deployed successfully in my machine with local MobileFirst Server 8.0.

For locally installed server - POM.xml


so my question is, If I want to deploy Adapter on Bluemix-Mobilefoundation then,

  1. what would be the "mfpUrl" ? and
  2. In mfp Operation Console, from where I'll get this URL?

Thanks in advance!


  • When you open your MFP service from your dashboard, the name of the server will appear on the opened service's main overview page. It would be of the format


    This will be your mfpfURL along with https:// and the server url must be followed by the port number ( the default is 443). Viz :


    And when the operations console is opened, the url of the opened page will consist your server url too.