Here is the problem I am facing.
I have a variable inside a component which assigned to a directive. I am using ngrx to dispatch and susbcribe to events. So the problem is that the variable does not update the first time. After that there is no problem.
I have a google map and icons on it and on click of any icon it makes a call to the server with the id and map bounds and then with the returned data an action is dispatched.
private getFromServer(id, bound_corners){
let params = { bounds: bound_corners }
return this.restangular.all('get-data/'+id)
.customGET("", params)
return d.plain();
public onClick(icon){
let bound_corners = this.getMapBounds();
this.getFromServer(, bound_corners).subscribe((d)=>{ action.detail(d, id));
In the component class
let temp =;
temp.subscribe((d)=>{ = d;
In the component does not get updated the first time. If I console log( then it works but it does not get updated in the html.
If I take the dispatch action out of the getFromServer subscription like this:
public onClick(icon){
let bound_corners = this.getMapBounds();
let temp_data = {name:"test","id":0}; action.detail(temp_data, id));
then it works.
Currently I have one solution which is using ChangeDetectorRef.
constructor(private chRef: ChangeDetectorRef){
let temp =;
temp.subscribe((d)=>{ = d;
I am not sure if this is the right way but I am unable to figure out whats going on or any other solution.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
This is what I finally did. Would love someone to post a better solution. Thanks to Stephen for the unsubscribe suggestion.
constructor(private ngZone: NgZone){
.subscribe((d)=>{ => {