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How can I add condition to call vue component if local storage javascript exist in view blade laravel?

My view blade laravel like this :

<ul class="nav">
    // if exist local storage run this component

I want to add condition if local storage exist, it will run the component vue

I have main.js and I have code to check local storage exist or no like this :

if (localStorage.getItem("storedData") !== null) {

How can I add the condition on the view blade?


My notification vie component like this :

    export default{


  • First of all, this question has nothing to do with Laravel. It is just Vue.

    You can bind the local storage data to view the property and directly use v-if directive to decide whether to show the component or not.

    Simply use localStorage.setItem() to set a property, and then user localStorage.getItem() to fetch the property and bind it.

    Check here for a fiddle.

    You can simply use the v-if directive on the

    <notification-view v-if="someProperty"></notification-view>

    to display or hide the component.