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Azure media services - Issue with viewing an encoded video on IOS

I have an Azure Web App. The end user can view video files in the application, both with and without encoding. Without encoding, everything works fine on all client devices- The file URL in this case looks as following:

videojs: dispatching event: sourceset [{"src":"","type":"video/mp4"}]

For encoding, we use the Azure media services.

In this case (with encoding), the file url looks as following:

videojs: dispatching event: sourceset [{"src":"","type":"video/mp4","techOrder":["azureHtml5JS","flashSS","silverlightSS","html5"],"protectionInfo":[{"type":"AES","authenticationToken":"provided"}]},{"src":"","type":"video/mp4","protectionInfo":[{"type":"AES","authenticationToken":"provided"}]},{"src":"","type":"video/mp4","protectionInfo":[{"type":"AES","authenticationToken":"provided"}]}]

When the end user tries to view this encoded video on iphone - IOS, it does not play successfully. On Windows, it works well.

I read this article about url suffix needed to be added to video file url: specific suffix for each device, but I'm not sure this is the problem.

enter image description here

I will appreciate your help.


  • Can you try playing the videos in and see if that works. If you check Advanced, you will be able to specify specific formats.