I have a situation where I want the ThisAction controller to look like this :
public ActionResult Index()...
public ActionResult Index(int programId)...
public ActionResult Index(string programKey)...
With the goal of a route being set up like so
www.website.com/ThisAction/ <- matches first function
www.website.com/ThisAction/123 <- matches second function
www.website.com/ThisAction/ABC <- matches third function
Is this possible to set up in the global.asx route?
You would need to use attribute routing with route constraints to easily get that flexibility.
public class ThisActionController : Controller {
[Route("")] //Matches GET ThisAction
public ActionResult Index() {
[Route("{programId:int}")] //Matches GET ThisAction/123
public ActionResult Index(int programId) {
[Route("{programKey}")] //Matches GET ThisAction/ABC
public ActionResult Index(string programKey) {
Make sure that attribute routeing is enabled in RouteConfig
public class RouteConfig {
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {
//...other code removed for brevity
//Attribute routes
//convention-based routes
//...other code removed for brevity
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "" }
The route will work along side convention-based routing.
Just note that once you use it on a controller you have to use it on the entire controller. So the controller is either all convention-based or all attribute routing.