I have the following non-linear equation
Where A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, A2, B2, C2, D2, E2 are some constants. However, Z is some function of eta(z = z(eta)).
Is it possible, in Matlab, to get an expression for the (first and second)derivative of the above equation with respect to eta i.e dz/d-eta and d^2z/d-eta^2?
I have tried diff(aboveexpression,eta)
. But this treats z
as constant.
How do I tackle this?
Yes, it is possible (and it is possible without determining the analytical expression for z
). You can use the inverse function differentiation rule:
syms A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 z
F= A1*atan(B1*asinh(C1*z-D1)+E1)+A2*atan(B2*asinh(C2*z-D2)+E2);
dz= 1/diff(F,z) % the first derivative
Now the second derivative. We need to differentiate the resulting expression dz
, where z
is a function of eta
. We can use the fact that
d2z= diff(dz,z)*dz % the second derivative