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Reshaping nested struct arrays to cell array having elements with different sizes

I have a similar question to my previous one. This time the form of the nested structure looks like this:

Sizes = [2, 5, 8, 6, 3];
cells = 5;
for i = 1:cells
    for j = 1:Sizes(i)
        a(i).b.c(j).d = rand(1,1);
    a(i).b.Size = Sizes(i);

Again I would like to put all the d values of a(:).b.c(:) into a single cell array that contains 1 x cells cells.

Here is my solution using cellfun but I would like to avoid this function:

ab = [a.b];
abc = {ab.c};
abcd = cellfun(@(x) [x.d], abc, 'UniformOutput', false);

Using the previous solution for abc:

abc = [ab.c];

creates a 1x24 struct array with field d. I thought of using the Size field to reshape this result into a cell array but I don't know how or if it is possible. Do you have a better appraoch without using loops and without cellfun?


  • You can do this using mat2cell as follows:

    ab = [a.b];
    abc = [ab.c];
    abcd = mat2cell([abc.d], 1, [ab.Size]);