In a Python 3 application I need to encrypt user's data using his own password. I'm using Cryptodome library.
Given that AES needs a fixed size key (128bit in the example), I used PBKDF2 to get the key. Below is the class I use in my code.
I store the salt (salt in the code) used for key derivation and the initialization vector (iv in the code) at the top of the message itself. Indeed, for what I understood (reading the docs here) neither the salt nor the iv must be kept secret.
Is this a correct approach or can you suggest me a better one?
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Protocol import KDF
class crypto:
def __init__(self,pwd):
self.pwd = pwd
def encrypt(self,data):
salt = get_random_bytes(8)
key = KDF.PBKDF2(self.pwd,salt) #128bit key derivation function
iv = get_random_bytes(16)
cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)
return salt + iv + cipher.encrypt(data)
def decrypt(self,msg):
key = KDF.PBKDF2(self.pwd,msg[:8])
cipher =, AES.MODE_CFB, msg[8:24])
return cipher.decrypt(msg[24:])
Thanks in advance.
Yes, this is correct and a good practice and good method of providing the derivation salt and iv to the decryption code.
PBKDF provides substantial security against brute force password attacks as well as a correct length key.