I am using FOSRest Bundle to build a small API in which I'd like to return a resource but only exposing some properties. I am using Symfony's default Serializer.
Here is my entity :
class myEntity
private foo;
* @Groups({"myGroup"})
private bar;
And my controller :
* @ParamConverter("myEntity ")
public function getAction(myEntity $myEntity)
$context = new Context();
$view = $this->view($myEntity, 200)->setTemplate("default/myEntity.html.twig")->setTemplateVar('myEntity');
return $this->handleView($view);
When I try to execute my controller, I get an empty object as a response : {}
If I remove the setContext()
part, I get my whole entity including properties I don't want.
What am I doing wrong ? Thanks
First of all your controller should extend the FOSRestController As a response you are can return JsonResponse, like this:
$context = new SerializationContext();
$json = $this->get("serializer")->serialize($result, 'json', $context);
return new JsonResponse($json, 200, [], true);
I also recommend you to move your serializer configuration to the YAML file, as described here
Use exclusion_policy to exclude all of properties by default and add then for certain groups.
exclusion_policy: ALL
In the JMS serializer configuration in your config.yml file you have to specify the directory where you put all off serialize configurations, like this:
namespace_prefix: "AppBundle"
path: "@AppBundle/Resources/config/serializer/"