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Loader appears while using the slider revolution

I am using the slider revolution for my header, and I have a loader as the picture show when I have a carouseul of picture, between the transition of image (of even for the first image I have the loader, even when I use a fiber internet connection..). Do you know why and how to fix it ? At least how to apply a display:none; to it..

enter image description here


  • Try adding the following lines in style.css:

    body .tp-loader.spinner1 {
      display: none;
      visibility: hidden;

    Just change the .spinner1 to the spinner number that is chosen in the Revolution Slider Settings.


    The CSS for spinners are defined in the following location:


    As you can see, the spinner selectors all have .tp-loader class:


    You could try to directly edit that settings.css file to see if it works.