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Importing the Cordova plugin

I am creating a real time audio calling app using phoneRTC in ionic3.

I have added the cordova plugin using following command

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-phonertc --save

Which adds following lines to my package.json

"cordova": {
        "plugins": {
            "com.dooble.phonertc": {}

and following to config.xml

<plugin name="com.dooble.phonertc" spec="~2.0.1" />

Now, i don't know how to use or import this in my home.ts file.


  • Since phonertc is not a native plugin you have to use it like this:


    declare var cordova;
    export class Page2 {
      constructor(public platform: Platform) {
      getMyPluginInfo() {
        this.platform.ready().then(() => {//this is very important
          cordova.plugins.yourPlugin.YourPluginMethod();//replace plugin's name with this `yourPlugin` and `YourPluginMethod` with plugin's method which you want


    If above method won't work you can try another method which has been explained in this article.(see it under the title Using a Plugin Not Included in Ionic Native)