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Can I restore data from mongo oplog?

my mongodb was hacked today, all data was deleted, and hacker requires some amount to get it back, I will not pay him, cause I know he will not send me back my database.

But I have had oplog turn on, I see it contains over 300 000 documents, saving all operations.

Is there any tool that can restore my data from this logs?


  • Depending on how far back your oplog is, you may be able to restore the deployment. I would recommend taking a backup of the current state of your dbpath just in case.

    Note that there are many variables in play for doing a restore like this, so success is never a guarantee. It can be done using mongodump and mongorestore, but only if your oplog goes back to the beginning of time (i.e. when the deployment was first created). If it does, you may be able to restore your data. If it does not, you'll see errors during the process.

    1. Secure your deployment before doing anything else. This situation arises due to a lack of security. There are extensive security features available in MongoDB. Check out the Security Checklist page for details.

    2. Dump the oplog collection using mongodump --host <old_host> --username <user> --password <pwd> -d local -c -o oplogDump.

    3. Check the content of the oplog to determine the timestamp when the offending drop operation occur by using bsondump oplogDump/local/ You're looking for a line that looks approximately like this:


      This line means that a dropDatabase() command was executed on the test database.

      Keep note of the t value in {"$timestamp":{"t":1502172266,"i":1}}.

    4. Restore to a secure new deployment using mongorestore --host <new_host> --username <user> --password <pwd> --oplogReplay --oplogLimit=1502172266 --oplogFile=oplogDump/local/ oplogDump

      Note the parameter to oplogLimit, which is basically telling mongorestore to stop replaying the oplog once it hit that timestamp (which is the timestamp of the dropDatabase command in Step 3.

      The oplogFile parameter is new to MongoDB 3.4. For older versions, you would need to copy the oplogDump/local/ to the root of the dump directory to a file named oplog.bson, e.g. oplogDump/oplog.bson and remove the oplogFile parameter from the example command above.

    After Step 4, if your oplog goes back to the beginning of time and you stop the oplog replay at the right time, hopefully you should see your data at the point just before the dropDatabase command was executed.