I'm trying to unit test some code that looks like this:
def main():
parser = optparse.OptionParser(description='This tool is cool', prog='cool-tool')
parser.add_option('--foo', action='store', help='The foo option is self-explanatory')
options, arguments = parser.parse_args()
if not options.foo:
parser.error('--foo option is required')
print "Your foo is %s." % options.foo
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
With code that looks like this:
def test_main_with_missing_p4clientsdir_option(self, mock_optionparser):
# setup
optionparser_mock = Mock()
mock_optionparser.return_value = optionparser_mock
options_stub = Mock()
options_stub.foo = None
optionparser_mock.parse_args.return_value = (options_stub, sentinel.arguments)
def parser_error_mock(message):
self.assertEquals(message, '--foo option is required')
optionparser_mock.error = parser_error_mock
# exercise & verify
self.assertEquals(sut.main(), 2)
I'm using Michael Foord's Mock, and nose to run the tests.
When I run the test, I get:
File "/Users/dspitzer/Programming/Python/test-optparse-error/tests/sut_tests.py", line 27, in parser_error_mock
SystemExit: 2
Ran 1 test in 0.012s
FAILED (errors=1)
The problem is that OptionParser.error does a sys.exit(2), and so main() naturally relies on that. But nose or unittest detects the (expected) sys.exit(2) and fails the test.
I can make the test pass by adding "return 2" under the parser.error() call in main() and removing the sys.exit() call from parser_error_mock(), but I find it distasteful to modify the code under test to allow a test to pass. Is there a better solution?
Update: df's answer works, although the correct call is "self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sut.main)".
Which means the test passes whatever the number is in the sys.exit() in parser_error_mock(). Is there any way to test for the exit code?
BTW, the test is more robust if I add:
self.assertEquals(optionparser_mock.method_calls, [('add_option', ('--foo',), {'action': 'store', 'help': 'The foo option is self-explanatory'}), ('parse_args', (), {})])
at the end.
Update 2: I can test for the exit code by replacing "self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sut.main)" with:
except SystemExit, e:
self.assertEquals(type(e), type(SystemExit()))
self.assertEquals(e.code, 2)
except Exception, e:
self.fail('unexpected exception: %s' % e)
self.fail('SystemExit exception expected')
As noted in my updates to my question, I had to modify dF's answer to:
self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sut.main)
...and I came up with a few longer snippet to test for the exit code.
[Note: I accepted my own answer, but I will delete this answer and accept dF's if he updates his.]