That function I want to call using GObject does look like the following:
char * some_object_fun(SomeObject *self, char *input);
Is there a good way to achieve this? I would be very interested in an elegant solution.
C doesn't really support introspection/reflection like you may be used to if you're coming from something like Python, PHP, Java, etc.
I don't know that I'd call it "elegant", but most operating systems offer a way to get the address of a public symbol, so if your symbol is public you can use that, cast it to a function pointer of the appropriate type, then invoke the function. On POSIX, the relevant functions are called dlopen
and dlsym
. On Windows, LoadLibrary
and GetProcAddress
Your tags mention GObject, so that simplifies things a bit; you can just use g_module_open
and g_module_symbol
(which are basically abstractions over the functions I mentioned above).
The code would look something like:
char* (* sym)(SomeObject*, char*);
GModule* module = g_module_open(NULL, 0);
sym = g_module_symbol("some_object_fun");
sym(instance, input);
Plus some error handling, of course, but you should be able to figure that part out.