I have trouble incorporating custom expected returns in Portfolio Analytics package. Usually expected returns are some professional expectations / views or calculated separately from fundamental indicators. Portfolio Analytics allow to create custom moments function to calculate moments from past returns, but I don't understand how to incorporate already calculated returns to optimization problem. Any help is appreciated and here is small example dataset:
#Download package and sample returns
returns <- tail(edhec[,1:4], 10)
#Example expected return xts that I'm usually working with. Calculated separately.
N <- 10
M <- 4
views <- as.xts(data.frame(matrix(rnorm(N*M,mean=0,sd=0.05), N, M)), order.by = index(returns))
colnames(views) <- colnames(returns)
Lets create basic portfolio with some objectives.
pf <- portfolio.spec(assets = colnames(returns))
pf <- add.constraint(portfolio = pf, type = "full_investment")
pf <- add.constraint(portfolio = pf, type = "long_only")
pf <- add.objective(portfolio = pf, type = "return", name = "mean")
pf <- add.objective(portfolio = pf, type = "risk", name = "StdDev")
Now I would like to optimize portfolio pf at each period and take account views (expected returns for that period) but I'm running out of ideas at this point.
I realise now, after setting the bounty, that the questions has already been answered here. I'll summarise as best as I can understand it.
When you call optimize.portfolio
, there is an optional parameter momentFUN
, which defines the moments of your portfolio. One of its arguments is momentargs
, which you can pass through in optimize.portfolio
First, you need to choose a set of expected returns. I'll assume the last entry in your views
time series:
my.expected.returns = views["2009-08-31"]
You'll also need your own covariance matrix. I'll compute it from your returns
my.covariance.matrix = cov(returns)
Finally, you'll need to define momentargs
, which is a list consisting of mu
(your expected returns), sigma
(your covariance matrix), and third and fourth moments (which we'll set to zero):
num_assets = ncol(current.view)
momentargs = list()
momentargs$mu = my.expected.returns
momentargs$sigma = my.covariance.matrix
momentargs$m3 = matrix(0, nrow = num_assets, ncol = num_assets ^ 2)
momentargs$m4 = matrix(0, nrow = num_assets, ncol = num_assets ^ 3)
Now you're ready to optimize your portfolio:
o = optimize.portfolio(R = returns, portfolio = pf, momentargs = momentargs)